Add "NOT" operation/relation In Smart List
It would be better to include some 'NOT' operation/relation in smart lists, for example: In "Collection relationship" entry, it would be better to add 'Documents NOT belonging to any selected Collections'. Basically just to show results that excludes some of the collections (Manually selecting all collections besides some is really difficult if you have a lot of collections).
Also, for the name entry, it would be better to support options like "does not contain" to exclude certain search results.
I'm surprised this is marked as "complete." I've been so frustrated trying to create Smart Lists because there are so many things you can't exclude. As far as I can tell, it's impossible to set a Smart List to exclude a search term or a kind of file. Today, I was trying to create a Smart List for only https:// links (as opposed to other URL schemes). I couldn't figure out a way to exclude "URL Schemes" as a kind. I got a bunch of URL scheme links with "https://" somewhere in the middle of the name. When I tried to search for only items beginning with "https://" using a wildcard, no results. It seems silly that I should have to manually tag every single one of my other URL scheme links or put them in a specific folder
so I can exclude them from a Smart List. Thus far, my primary use for Smart Lists has been to automatically filter incoming items so I can tag them all in bulk (a substitute for automated tagging). Sometimes I get no results even when I should. A simple raw query interface seems to me like it would be easier to use.J
Yes yes yes!
Francis Feng
Francis Feng
in progress
Furious Slaps
Yes pleeeease, this is so essential to my workflows, it's really the only thing (other than multiple nested folders/headers and/or multiple nested collections but that's not really that important) keeping me from outright buying a lifetime subscription.
Mark Bramhill
Agreed — essential for finding untagged items, as well as for keeping work/person items separate
qt dork
+1 this. Just today i found myself in need of a 'NOT' relationship to find some images I had saved that were untagged (to tag them).